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- Overview
- HuntX(perience)
- Gear List
- Media
This is a 3-7 day hunt for asiatic wolves in Tajikistan. Hunters will drive at night, spotlight, use call stands, use thermal gear and also spot and stalk. Outfitter will also use baited sites for day and night hunts. Hunter can expect early mornings and spot and stalk hunting after the predator is spotted to get into an appropriate shooting distance. Hunter must be prepared for mental toughness for this hunt. Wolves are smart and require patience.
- Species: Asiatic Wolf
- Average Classification: 40 - 55
- Shot Opportunity: 80
- Weapon: Rifle
- Hunt Catalog #: RB20306-03
- Tag Availability: Landowner Voucher
Average male wolves are 40-55 lbs.
Long distance shooters have a great opportunity during this hunt. Hunters should be prepared to shoot up to 600 yards.
Available Dates
October 01, 2022 - December 31, 2026
- Member Price: $4,800.00
- Non-Member Price: $5,400.00
Group Options
Option for a non-hunter.
Naryn & Issykkul, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan
Refund Policy:
Deposits are not refundable. When you make a deposit or payment that money is used to reserve your adventure dates and we cannot sell them to anyone else. If for some reason you have to cancel, you will lose your deposit and any payments you have made. If you are concerned that you might get sick or otherwise have to cancel, we suggest buying trip insurance. There are insurance companies that specialize in providing insurance policies for outfitter bookings and hunts. One such company we recommend is It is also our policy, depending on the adventure you booked and at our discretion, that if you have to cancel and we are able to book a replacement for you at the regular price we will work with you to apply your deposits to another adventure. Please note that we cannot refund or roll state or government license fees, application fees, draw results, or tags.
Wolves will be very active in October into the late winter months. They feed frequently on small mammals (marmots) in the summer months and when they go into hibernation they will be out more frequently looking for their next kill. Bait piles draw in a lot of animals. If no shot opportunity presents itself on this hunt, then outfitter will refund 50% of the hunt cost. This is a 3-7 day hunt.
HuntX Scale (Low 1 - 5 High)
- Lodging & Accommodations: Cabin/Lodge?
Lodging & Accommodations Scale
5 - Cabin/Lodge
4 - Bunk House/Trailer
3 - Wall Tent
2 - Backpack Tent
1 - Client Provided/Hotel
Hunter's will have a main lodge with all the amenities during this hunt. A brand new lodge has been built which contains many American comforts.
- Menu & Food: Full Kitchen?
Menu & Food Scale
5 - 5 Star Catered
4 - Full Kitchen
3 - Field Kitchen
2 - Backpack Food
1 - Client Provided
Hunters will be served hot meals during their stay in a fully equipped kitchen. Meat and vegetables are very common.
- Physical Conditions: Moderate Hiking?
Physical Conditions Scale:
5 - All Vehicle Access
4 - Light Hiking
3 - Moderate Hiking
2 - Heavy Hiking
1 - Extreme Back Country
Hunter must be prepared for moderate hiking in the spot and stalk hunting to close the distance on animals.
Transportation (To/From Basecamp)
Final flight destination city is Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Hunters are advised to fly with Turkish Air. Concierge service will meet hunters in the airport and help with importation of firearms. Field transportation will use jeeps, horses and travel by foot.
- Lodging & Accommodations
- Menu & Food
- Physical Conditions
Hunter should be prepared for colder weather and dress in a fashion to hunt during the night. Weather can be variable and very windy. Hunter's should bring all their thermal gear for the hunt. Outfitter will supply all field transportation. Outfitter will have bait piles set up and prepared for their hunters.
What Outfitter Provides
- Meals
- Lodging
- Field Transportation
- Bait Piles
- 50% Refund if no Shot Opportunity
What to Bring
- Moderate to Cold Weather Hunting Clothing-layering system recommended
- Durable and Comfortable Hiking Boots
- Binoculars
- Spotting Scope
- Rangefinder
- Rifle with 40 rounds of ammunition
- Thermal Gear
- Thermal Base Layers
Recommended Items
- 20 Quart Badlands Cooler
- 45 Quart Badlands Cooler
- Mountain Extreme Men's
- RBO Precision Academy I - South Dakota
- What Outfitter Provides
- What to Bring